
On Linux, keymap does not work with Chinese input source enabled

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On Linux, when Chinese input source enabled, Atom can not map the keymap correctly.
The obviously result is that vim-mode-plus can not work and vim-mode-plus can work correctly by switch input source back to English one.
Sorry I ONLY tested English and Chinese input source at this time.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start Atom with vim-mode-plus diabled.
  2. Set following user:hello command in
  3. Set keymap.cson to map user:hello from a key
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace',
'user:hello': ->
console.log "hello!"

'a': 'user:hello'

Thanks @t9md provided this test case.
and I did the test on my Linux.

  1. And type a in normal text-editor.
    Should print hello! in console.log in chrome-dev-tools-console if correctly keymapped.
  2. Use English input source, 'hello!' prints in console.
  3. Switch to Chinese input source, keep it in English input mode(as in Chinese input source, you can both input Chinese and English, you can pickup which input mode), type a in normal text-editor,
    a is print in the content, no 'hello!' print in console.

Versions & Platform information

I tested this on such platform,
$ atom -version
Atom : 1.15.0
Electron: 1.3.13
Chrome : 52.0.2743.82
Node : 6.5.0

My Linux is Fedora 25 running with Gnome 3.22.2.

If you want more information to reproduce this, please let me know then.