
Support DVORAK-QWERTY custom keyboards in macOS

Closed this issue · 2 comments



Atom does not recognize custom DVORAK-QWERTY layouts in macOS.

DVORAK-QWERTY is a DVORAK keyboard layout which behaves like a QWERTY when the CMD key is pressed. This is very useful for Dvorak users who don't need to customize hotkeys for each application.

As a result of #12 a workaround has been introduced to handle DVORAK-QWERTY keyboards, but in some cases like mine users want to use not the Apple default DVORAK-QWERTY keyboard but a customized keyboard with dead keys.

The PR #90 has introduced support to customized versions of Apple's DVORAK-QWERTY keyboard but somehow this implementation has been lost.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install a custom DVORAK-QWERTY keyboard layout using these instructions
  2. Open Atom
  3. Try to use hotkeys like (CMD+J which is supposed to be translated to CMD+C)

Expected behavior: Atom should proper recognize hotkeys in DVORAK-QWERTY custom layouts

Actual behavior: Atom does not proper recognize hotkeys in DVORAK-QWERTY layouts, instead the hotkeys are translated as a common Dvorak layout.

Reproduces how often: Everytime a hotkey is pressed


Atom    : 1.20.1
Electron: 1.6.9
Chrome  : 56.0.2924.87
Node    : 7.4.0
apm  1.18.4
npm  3.10.10
node 6.9.5 x64
python 2.7.10
git 2.11.0

Additional Information

No additional information.

@Ben3eeE please take a look. Thank you.