
window/showMessageRequest notification has no action buttons

JakeBecker opened this issue · 8 comments

Tested using the latest release of atom-languageclient along with either atom-ide-ui or nuclide. The Elixir language server sends a request like this:
screen shot 2018-03-14 at 11 41 42 am

And the notification looks like this:
screen shot 2018-03-14 at 11 34 05 am

There's no action buttons for the user to click. The same server and request works in in VS Code, suggesting this is a problem with the Atom LSP client.

Are there some steps I can take with the elixir package to test this before I upload my fix? I don't have anything to hand that triggers this message.

Sure, install Elixir on your system and then apm install ide-elixir. Clone this repo, and you should get a request either on start or any time you save a file:

(Note that if it doesn't include the buttons, the server will hang waiting for a response, so you'll have to restart it to try again)

If you want, you can push your fix to a branch and I'll test it locally.

It's now up in fix-showMessageRequest-buttons branch

Aah, I may be unable to test this for you. In ide-elixir, I did npm install --save atom/atom-languageclient#fix-showMessageRequest-buttons and apm link, but now I get this error when launching:

screen shot 2018-03-14 at 12 22 06 pm

Likely a problem on my end, but may be easier for you to test it yourself than for me to figure this out.

You can go into wherever you checked out atom-languageclient and type npm i then npm link . then go into your ide-elixir package and type npm link atom-languageclient

Once you're done testing you can just npm unlink atom-languageclient from your ide-elixir package. (I should add these steps to the README)

I'll can also test this afternoon.

Cool, that appears to have fixed it. 👍

I'll get this merged in and a new version out today.