
Why are Atom being ended?

JohnPOK opened this issue · 2 comments


Atom is a great editor and is exactly configured in the right proportions. It is very easy to use and very adaptable. It is clear and clean and can be used for all editing - programming to configuration of network equipment. This is the all in one editor. Ideal for all projects (HTML, Mark Down, PHP, MySQL, Apache, Python, Cisco/Huawei/Juniper scripting and configuration, etc.). I use it daily.

I see that you are ending Atom and suggesting VS as an alternative. VS is too complicated and cluttered. Don't like it at all. It is not a good choice for an all in one editor. I tried VS and after two weeks, it just frustrated me a lot.

Please reconsider. I know I may be just one complaining, but there are others out there that are also unhappy about this, this I am sure off.

Unfortunately, I don't think they'll continue this project. Many things are broken and the issues are no longer tackled.

Personally, I recommend two alternative repos, Pulsar and Atom-Community, both of which are forks of the original Atom repo.