
Changes not displaying on Git panel

Tofutush opened this issue · 2 comments



When I change a file and save it, it was supposed to pop up in the Git panel immediately in the "unstaged changes" section. But just a couple days ago this failed to work. If there is already some changes in either staged or unstaged sections, I can make my new change show up by spam clicking "stage all" or "unstage all". But if there are no changes on there initially, I can't make any changes show up.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open a github project.
  2. Make a change in one of the files and save.
  3. Look at Git panel.

Expected behavior:

Change shows up on Git panel.

Actual behavior:

It doesn't.

Reproduces how often:

I've left Atom unopened for like at least a month before I decided to make another project with it, just a couple days earlier. Or three days. This bug's been there ever since. And it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the newest version; it was there before I upgraded.


The newest, and the one before that.

Additional Information

I've noticed the same issue when I upgraded from v1.60.0 to v1.63.0. Extremely annoying if you use version control.

Rather than spam-clicking to see the changes, you can try executing a Window Reload command (Ctrl-Shift-F5 by default). This worked for me, but since it takes a while for the window to reload, requires manual input, and my workflow is highly reliant on viewing staged/un-staged changes, I ended up taking more extreme measures.

I ended up downgrading to a previous version, v1.60.0. If you're on Windows 10, you may find the previous versions installed under c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\atom.

Windows reload works for me! And I think for me that's good enough already.

Thank you!