
Not working!

jeremyduanewallace opened this issue · 4 comments

Not loading in my atom text editor package is enabled but not responding

Have you followed the suggestions in the Debugging document? Also, could you give the following information?

  • Which version of Atom are you using?
  • What OS and version are you running?
  • Can you reproduce the issue after completely exiting Atom and restarting using atom --safe?

I seem to be having the same problem.
Issue: I've loaded Atom (then command line deleted it and reinstalled for a fresh start) but cannot see the autocomplete feature working. I have no extra packages installed. Just core. I open a new file, start typing <htm and nothing shows up for completion. I also tried setting up lists and a couple of other tags and nothing popped up.

My first install I went a little crazy and did what I'm not supposed to and installed emmet and another HTML auto complete package - neither of those "worked" for me as well.

Caveat: I'm a newbie. All the above is most likely something I missed.

Atom 1.8.0
Mac OSX 10.10.5
Haven't tried safe mode yet - will do.

This was solved for/by me on the discuss section. I needed to either save the file with (in my case) an .html extension, or let Atom know I was using HTML via the buffer. Didn't know that but between more experimenting and another Discuss member it all works for me.

See: Autocomplete New Mac install not working

No new information, so closing.