
Background tips simply did not turn off.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I had to open the inspector and disable the background pane. This happened when another extension (vim-mode) had some error in the console.

Now I know that this isn't a direct bug with background-tips but whenever I enabled vim-mode background-tips would misbehave...

Could you provide the error you saw in the console?

Ok. I have clear steps to reproduce now:

  1. Enable background tips and vim-mode
  2. Restart the editor
  3. close all tabs, that shows the tips
  4. Open any new tab/settings/etc. That still keeps the background tips -

The error is:

TypeError: Cannot call method 'each' of undefined at
(/Users/anirudh/.atom/packages/vim-mode/lib/ at
(/Users/anirudh/.atom/packages/vim-mode/lib/ at new
VimState (/Users/anirudh/.atom/packages/vim-mode/lib/
at /Users/anirudh/.atom/packages/vim-mode/lib/ at
at HTMLDivElement.jQuery.event.dispatch
at HTMLDivElement.elemData.handle
at Object.jQuery.event.trigger
at HTMLDivElement.
at Function.jQuery.extend.each
at EditorView.jQuery.fn.jQuery.each
at EditorView.jQuery.fn.extend.trigger
at EditorView.module.exports.EditorView.afterAttach
at callAttachHook
at [object Object].jQuery.fn.(anonymous function) as append
at PaneView.module.exports.PaneView.onActiveItemChanged
(/Applications/ at
/Applications/ at
at Array.forEach (native) at Behavior.module.exports.Emitter.emit
at Behavior.module.exports.Behavior.emit
at Behavior.module.exports.Signal.emitValue
at Pane.module.exports.Model.set
at Pane.accessor.set
at Pane.module.exports.Pane.activateItem
(/Applications/ at
/Applications/ at
at self.promiseDispatch.done
at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch
at /Applications/
at flush
at process._tickCallback (node.js:605:11)

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 1:31 AM, Kevin Sawicki notifications@github.comwrote:

Could you provide the error you saw in the console?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Co-founder and Developer, RazorFlow

I think this is due to the error being thrown by the Vim package