
Can I make non global accelerators without putting things in a menu?

maxkorp opened this issue ยท 37 comments

I'd like to add some hotkeys for events in my app, and accelerators seem like the natural way to do that, but some of these things don't make sense in a menu. Is there a way to use accelerators without registering a global shortcut or a menu? I'd rather not have hidden menus.

@maxkorp You can capture key shortcuts via keyup on document.

Yeah, I was just hoping to use some of the super nice 'CmdOrCtrl+X' type declarations Accelerators offer, rather than using keycodes etc. Digging around to see if theres a way I can instantiate an accelerator manually and manipulate that.

I'd buy that feature actually, because one of our biggest bugs right now is trying to deal with the non-US keyboard web debacle in Chrome; even when you know the keyboard layout you still have to have a massive list of tables

As far as I can tell, theres no way currently on the js side to access the accelerator class. I'll take a look at enabling that, but I'm not familiar enough with the code to give a real opinion. From what I see, i'd need to add something in atom/browser/api, then add it to the bindings as well. That seem roughly correct-ish?

@maxkorp Yeah, classes get automatically bound via this framework called mate but I don't understand much about it :(

Hrm, I'll take a crack at it. No clue if being able to instantiate an accelerator would help, even, but it's worth a shot.

Hrm, unfortunately a little more complex than I'd hoped but I have a plan of attack. IMO, 2 separate features would be good, and I'd be happy to start at them if you guys think they're good ideas.

  1. It would be nice to be able to just pass a key[up/down/press] event and an accelerator to a function and see if it lines up. I'd probably start here.

  2. See next comment below
    Create a LocalShortcutHandler setup, akin to globalshortcuthandler. This needs to be either enableable or disableable (using its own version of GlobalShortcutListener::SetShortcutHandlingSuspended that respects observers), or it needs to automatically enable/disable based on some sort of window focus. Any thoughts?

FYI: I have a temporary workaround, where I set up a small helper with a map that stores shortcuts by keystroke (and in my case, by some other stuff dependent on my apps architecture). Whenever a window focuses, all of the shortcuts are registered. Whenever a window blurs, it checks if any window has focus, and if one does, it leaves them enabled. If no window has focus anymore, then the shortcuts are unregistered. Clearly, that could be tweaked to work on a per window basis, etc, to fit someones needs.

Does anyone have any opinion on how they'd like to see that implemented in atom shell? I'm still leaning towards putting something in API, but I might put a compatible js/coffee solution in first, then move over to the native way next.

My thoughts are as follows:
Local shortcuts can be cross window, or per window (so they are only active if a specific window has focus, or any window has focus).

// This is global, if any window in the app is focused it works
LocalShortcut.register(accelerator, callback);

// This is only active if someWindow has focus
LocalShortcut.register(accelerator, callback, someWindow);

Does anybody have any thoughts on that? Something missing? More functionality than wanted? Is the idea a welcome one (I know something to fill the whole is wanted, but does this seem like a good fit)?
Is everyone cool with a js/coffee solution first and a native/mate solution second?

The accelerators are handled natively in NativeWindow::HandleKeyboardEvent, it is easy to provide a API on Linux/Windows since we handle accelerators registration/activation completely on atom-shell's side, however on OS X it would need much more work because we currently rely on application menu to do the accelerator stuff.

A js/coffee solution sounds good to me, but we should probably make it a third party module instead of being in atom-shell core.

@maxkorp, did you end up publishing a module for this?

Unfortunately no. I have some ideas, but I haven't had time.

For people looking at this issue, most of you can just use a JavaScript library like https://github.com/atom/atom-keymap or https://craig.is/killing/mice.

This solution is gonna be a real bummer with international keyboards though until https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=227231 lands in Electron

๐Ÿ‘ In my app, I need to do something when a shortcut combination is triggered, but only when my app is focused. Currently, I use global shortcuts and subscribe/unsubscribe depending on whether the window is focused, but support for local shortcuts would be much better.

@sindresorhus has that been working consistantly for you? I was having issues with those events not firing when switching was caused by electon itself, for example by the dev tools getting focused by a breakpoint.

I'm using keymaster in my app to declare key combos and events to execute when they are pressed. It seems to be enough for my needs. Maybe it can work for you?


has that been working consistantly for you?

Yes, but I just started using it.

I was having issues with those events not firing when switching was caused by electon itself, for example by the dev tools getting focused by a breakpoint.

Create a minimal testcase and open a new issue.

Maybe it can work for you?

No, as I don't control the browser contents. I need it for electron-debug. It also doesn't solve the already mentioned issues in this thread.

lipis commented

How is that issue going.. how soon do you think we'll be able to use accelerators without the menu?

I published a module to handle local window shortcuts.
It is actually a lightway wrapper around globalshortcuts that register/unregister all window shortcuts on focus/blur.
In case it can help you, it's published here.

@parro-it Thanks for electron-localshortcut. It was useful to us, but we had to remove it after all from WebTorrent Desktop because it's too aggressive at capturing keys that are included in global OS shortcuts. See: webtorrent/webtorrent-desktop#585

Menu item accelerators don't have that issue, so there's still a need for this issue to be fixed.

@feross You're welcome. I agree with you that a native solution would be ideal. Anyway, I read the issue you linked and I can't guess what could be the cause, since electron-localshortcut is already removing shortcut registration when your window loose focus.
Had you do further investigation on the issue?

Now that key and code are in Chrome 51, you should be able to just capture keyup and correctly detect the key even with non-US keyboard layouts

@parro-it The issue with electron-localshortcut is when the window actually has focus. If you listen for the Esc key, then click an menu item on OS X (for example), then Esc won't work for de-focusing it. It's subtle.

@paulcbetts You're right.

Oh yes I didn' t check but that is for sure because that action doesn' t trigger lostfocus event on browserwindow instance.
I think there is no easy solution to the problem...

Any news on this one?

@pmario I just solved it as follows:

const {app, BrowserWindow, globalShortcut} = require('electron')

function registerShortcuts () {

function unregisterShortcuts () {

app.on('ready', () => {
  win = new BrowserWindow({ .. })
  win.on('focus', registerShortcuts)
  win.on('blur', unregisterShortcuts)

I only use one window but it can be modified for multiple to check if at least one window is still in focus.

Edit: Added a registerShortcuts() to the ready callback to load shortcuts when the app is first run.

poiru commented

You can use before-input-event to catch and handle custom shortcuts that are not visible in the menu. If you want to attach it to all web contents, use something like:

app.on('web-contents-created', function (event, wc) {
  wc.on('before-input-event', function (event, input) {
    if (input.key === 'x' && input.ctrl && !input.alt && !input.meta && !input.shift) {
      // Do something for Ctrl-X

@parro-it electron-localshortcut should probably use the above approach.

Given the workarounds above, we believe this module is better implemented in userland (ex. the excellent electron-localshortcut and thus i'm going to label this a wontfix.

omeid commented

I think there is good value in having a consistent API for shortcuts inline with Menu Accelerators and GlobalShortcuts.

This should be implemented. Most of the time you'd want local shortcuts. Making event listeners on BrowserWindows don't work if there are webviews in use that capture focus. And even if creating a menu worked it makes no sense that a menu has to be created to enable keyboard shortcuts (which are a very core feature of most applications). I'm saying, this should be handled by Electron itself and not some third party library.


You can use before-input-event to catch and handle custom shortcuts that are not visible in the menu. If you want to attach it to all web contents, use something like:

app.on('web-contents-created', function (event, wc) {
  wc.on('before-input-event', function (event, input) {
    if (input.key === 'x' && input.ctrl && !input.alt && !input.meta && !input.shift) {
      // Do something for Ctrl-X

@parro-it electron-localshortcut should probably use the above approach.

Unfortunately, It did not work for me. It never allows me to press Ctrl+x key.

KLA6 commented

Just for someone who may have a same problem like me in 2020...


This returns the current focused BrowserWindow object.

globalShortcut.register( 'F11', () => {
  BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow().setFullScreen( ! BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow().isFullScreen() )
} )

E.g. I could make a full screen shortcut as the above way.

Here's a working flexible solution that allows you to manually define non-global shortcuts for focusedWindow without putting them into app menu:

app.on('web-contents-created', (webContentsCreatedEvent, webContents) => {
  webContents.on('before-input-event', (beforeInputEvent, input) => {
    // console.log('Main console::', input)
    const { code, alt, control, shift, meta } = input
    // Shortcut: toggle devTools
    if (shift && control && !alt && !meta && code === 'KeyI') {
      BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow().webContents.toggleDevTools({ mode: 'detach' }) 
    // Shortcut: window reload
    if (shift && control && !alt && !meta && code === 'KeyR') {

Also works when you disable the app menu with Menu.setApplicationMenu(null)

Wouldn't a native solution be infinitely better than any hacky workaround? As another user said, keyboard shortcuts are a core feature of most applications...
Edit: Also what this guy says about how registering/unregistering globalShortcuts on focus/blur (which is what electron-localshortcut does) leads to unwanted behaviors.

Edit: Also what this guy says about how registering/unregistering globalShortcuts on focus/blur (which is what electron-localshortcut does) leads to unwanted behaviors.

By the way, the current version of electron-localshortcut does not register globalShortcuts
but listen to a keyboard event on the BrowserWindow instance. It's not an hack anymore!

@parro-it That's great to know, thanks for pointing it out!

mlrv commented

For anyone interested in this issue, I just published electron-shortcuts. I needed a safe solution to local shortcuts and decided to put something together, which ended up becoming a tiny, safety-focused npm library ๐Ÿ˜„

It's definitely still early stage, so contributions and feedback of any kind are definitely welcome!