
Contradictory info on default keybindings for Movement and Selection Commands

Closed this issue · 3 comments

According to Additional Movement and Selection Commands, the command editor:move-to-beginning-of-screen-line has no keybinding by default.

the command editor:move-to-beginning-of-screen-line is available in the command palette, but it's not bound to any key combination

At the end of that subsection, the same command is listed as having a default keyboard shortcut:

Here's a list of Movement and Selection Commands that have a keyboard shortcut by default


Judging from a fresh install of atom and the atom keymaps, it seems like it does not have a default keybinding.

That whole list is mixed in terms of default keybindings. For example, the command editor:select-to-beginning-of-word is bound by default, while editor:select-to-beginning-of-line is not. Was this meant as a list of movement commands that don't have default keybindings?

I'm happy to make a PR with the update once I understand the intent.

rsese commented

Hmmm, yeah - section was added in #426, I think the list was supposed to be commands with no keybindings yeah @ungb?

ungb commented

that is correct. Good catch, I can submit a PR sometime tomorrow, or if someone can get to it before me!

@ungb Thanks for confirming that - I had the chance to open a pull request here.