
“Hacking on Atom Core” documentation is unclear

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@ariasuni commented on Aug 29, 2018, 10:37 PM UTC:

On Hacking on Atom Core, many things are unclear:

  • the difference between bootstrapping and building
  • why do it talks about script/build in the “Running in Development Mode” section, before the building section?
  • what steps are required to see our changes reflected in Atom depending on what we edit (it’s explained partially)
  • how to execute Atom after building it
  • how to use a different Node.js version for building dependencies (error messages talks about NODE_MODULE_VERSION but it’s not a clue when you don’t know much about Node.js)

Somehow I managed to set up an Atom dev environment but it was really difficult for me that knows nothing about Node.Js or how Atom’s code is organized.

This issue was moved by lee-dohm from atom/atom#17948.