
Fuzzy Finder does not steal focus from command palette (or vice-versa)

Ajedi32 opened this issue · 2 comments



When I invoke Atom's built-in Command Pallet plugin via it's default keyboard shortcut, then do the same with the Fuzzy Finder while the command pallet is still open, the Fuzzy Finder does not steal focus from the Command Pallet. Rather, focus returns to the main editor.

This means that if I accidentally open the command pallet, then open the Fuzzy Finder and start typing a file name, that name will end up in my editor's buffer, not in the Fuzzy Finder. This is extremely annoying, and not expected behavior.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command pallete
  2. Press Ctrl+T to open the fuzzy finder
  3. Enter the name of a file in the current project

Expected behavior: The file whose name you just entered appears in the Fuzzy Finder.

Actual behavior: The text you just entered is added to the buffer of the file you currently have open in Atom.

Reproduces how often: Always.


Atom: 1.27.1
Electron: 1.7.15
Chrome: 58.0.3029.110
Node: 7.9.0
fuzzy-finder: 1.8.1
command-palette: 0.43.5
OS: Windows 10

Given this issue seems to involve the command pallete as well, should I file a similar issue on that repository as well?

rsese commented

Thanks for the report @Ajedi32 ✌️

Given this issue seems to involve the command pallete as well, should I file a similar issue on that repository as well?

That won't be necessary, this has already been reported - I'll go ahead and close as a duplicate of atom/atom#14325 and you can subscribe there if you'e like.

Because we treat our issues list as the Atom team's backlog, we close duplicates to focus our work and not have to touch the same chunk of code for the same reason multiple times. This is also why we may mark something as duplicate that isn't an exact duplicate but is closely related.

For information on how to use GitHub's search feature to find out if something is a duplicate before filing, see the How Can I Contribute? section of the Atom CONTRIBUTING guide.