
Cannot 'split [direction] and move active item' when git diff is active item

petemill opened this issue · 2 comments


Running the atom command 'split right and move active item' when a git diff tab is the active item, there is what seems to be an infinite loop - the title bar loops between two different titles, the editor is unresponsive, and eventually offers to 'force close'.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a test project:
    • mkdir git-test1 && cd git-test1
    • git init
    • `echo "hi" >> first.txt
    • `git commit -am "initial"
  2. Make a pending edit
    • `echo "hello" >> first.txt
  3. open atom
    • atom --safe .
  4. Open the diff: click first.txt in the Unstaged Changes pane
  5. Open the command palette (cmd-shift-p) and choose the command split right and move active item.

Expected behavior:
The single plane is split to two, and the git diff tab is moved to the pane on the right.

Actual behavior:
Editor loops very quickly between two strings in the title bar, is unresponsive, and eventually offers to 'force close'.

Reproduces how often:


macOS: 10.12.5

Thanks for the bug report @petemill! However, I think you've opened this on the wrong repository - the git diff tab is handled by the github package. Would you mind moving this issue there please?