
Editor gutter lines not displaying in Atom 1.0.19

Closed this issue ยท 31 comments

I recently upgraded to Atom 1.0.19 (with git-diff 0.56.0) and the editor gutter lines have disappeared. The colored folders (highlighting changes to files/folders) has also disappeared. I tried disabling/re-enabling the git-diff package but that did not resolve the issue. I also tried un-installing/re-installing Atom but that did not resolve the issue either.

I have currently the same problem as stated by jcderose with the same setup. I'm running minimap-git-diff and it works and git-diff works too when icons are enabled.

Dayjo commented

I also have no markers / icons on the gutter since Atom 1.0.19. Anyone need any specific info?

+1, seeing the same issue here, but icons don't even work for me. The gutter expands as if to make room for the icons, but nothing ever shows up.

@lee-dohm do you need any specific info from us to try reproducing the issue?

murm commented

I have the same issue as well, also atom version 1.0.19 with 0.56.0 of git-diff

Can everyone please try to reproduce this in safe mode (atom --safe)? In addition, what OS is everyone running? Thanks.

This issue still occurs for me in safe mode.

On 28 October 2015 at 15:09, Wliu wrote:

Can everyone please try to reproduce this in safe mode (atom --safe)?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#75 (comment).

Leo Zhang
Berkeley EECS 2016
Previously Mithril, Kloudless, Feeding Forward, Captify

@50Wliu The issue still persists for me in safe mode.

Dayjo commented

Still have the issue in safe mode. I'm on: OS X El Capitan 10.11.1 (15B42)

Do any of you have any styles defined in your styles.less file? Can you share a GIF which clearly demonstrates the problem, just so we're sure were all thinking about the same thing?

@izuzak here's my styles.less file:

 * Your Stylesheet
 * This stylesheet is loaded when Atom starts up and is reloaded automatically
 * when it is changed and saved.
 * Add your own CSS or Less to fully customize Atom.
 * If you are unfamiliar with Less, you can read more about it here:

 * Examples
 * (To see them, uncomment and save)

// style the background color of the tree view
.tree-view {
  // background-color: whitesmoke;

// style the background and foreground colors on the atom-text-editor-element itself
atom-text-editor {
  // color: white;
  // background-color: hsl(180, 24%, 12%);

// To style other content in the text editor's shadow DOM, use the ::shadow expression
atom-text-editor::shadow .cursor {
  // border-color: red;

I wasn't able to upload a screenshot, I'll try to get that added today.

Also, I'm running OS X 10.11.1 but this issue was also happening on OS X 10.10.5.

Thanks, @jcderose -- I don't see anything strange there.

I wasn't able to upload a screenshot, I'll try to get that added today.

A GIF would be more helpful, you can use this tool:

Also, can you share your config.cson file as well?

I just restarted Atom and it had removed my project folder - don't know why. I re-added my project folder and the gutter editor lines showed up (plus the file/folder highlights for edited files). I didn't do anything different so I'm not sure how this issue fixed itself?

Here's my config.cson file if that helps any:

    userId: "21927fc7-5abe-14cb-8a31-ccc6471854a6"
    showOnStartup: false
  core: {}
    invisibles: {}
    showIconsInEditorGutter: true
Dayjo commented

Nothing in the gutter here;

My stylesheet is empty. My config;

@Dayjo can you reproduce the problem in Atom 1.1.0? If so, can you confirm that you are making edits to files within a Git project and that the root of the project added as a root project folder in Atom? Can you share a GIF which shows that the tree view is correctly updating the color of edited files, and also that your are running Atom in safe mode? Also, have you tried temporarily moving the ~/.atom folder to a different location (quit Atom, move the folder, then start Atom again)? That will make Atom forget all local data, so I'm wondering if that helps.

Dayjo commented

Hi @izuzak,

So it turns out that I got it working on local repositories (git repos on my local machine). But I mostly work on repositories mounted via ssh (works in the same way really), and these repositories don't seem to work with the plugin.

Turns out actually it's because I have multiple repositories in one project. And the atom.project.getDirectories() returns nothing. If I open one repo/directory individually it works ok. But my project which consists of multiple directories/repos, it doesn't.

Same here... Multiple projects... And I could never seen this plugin working...

screen shot 2015-11-28 at 12 41 04 pm

Same here! No icons +- showing.

I think I have found where the issue is coming. The diff works(icons showing)
when the .git folder is just "one" below the root or project folder when you 
add the project to the sidebar.
dpo commented

Same here. Atom 1.3.3.

I am using Atom 1.2.4 @ Ubuntu Linux and found that diffs (markers) are not displayed in gutter and tree-view is not coloring files because of not selecting project directory. By this I mean directory in the tree-view should be directory that contains .git. Of course at the same time there may be many project directories but they shouldn't be under common parent directory.

Atom 1.4, disabling/enabling the plugin and restarting Atom fixed it for me. Yay!

It sounds like this is fixed for everyone (other than the .git directory not being at the root, for which we have a separate Issue atom/atom#2203). Please let us know if this is not working for anyone!

Same here... Worked after upgrading, disabling/enabling it again! @lee-dohm Thanks!

screen shot 2016-01-27 at 10 58 51 pm

You're welcome. Glad it is working for you now ๐Ÿ˜€

Just ran into this after upgrading to Atom 1.4.3. I'm using minimap-git-diff, and I had to enable and disable both git-diff and minimap-git-diff and then restart in order to get things back to normal.

Thanks everyone for the responses. I'm going to close this since it seems it is fixed ๐Ÿ˜€ Let us know if that changes!

I'm having this same problem with the gutter not showing anything on Atom 1.6.2
I've tried disabling/enabling the plugin and restarting atom.
My style sheet is empty. I tried removing and adding the project folder too.
I can see the git integration is working:

But no changes are marked when I update the page

@Alexspayne please open a new Issue and include as much information as possible, including Atom version, OS version, are you accessing the repo on a remote file system, and can you replicate the problem in Safe Mode?

@Alexspayne did you manage to solve the issue?
Migrating from Sublime to Atom, and this seems to be the only thing I can't get working.
On the lower right corner the same as @Alexspayne seem to have Atom recognize the repo.

screen shot 2016-05-12 at 23 49 28

screen shot 2016-05-12 at 23 58 42

My setup:
Atom - v1.7.3 (installed trough brew-casks and updated through app)
OS - OSX 10.11.4
Accessing the repo from local file system (~/Downloads/project-name)
UI Theme - One Dark
Syntax Theme - One Dark

Have tried:
disabling all Community packages
enabling/disabling git-diff
unisntalling/installing git-diff (apm uninstall git-diff && apm install git-diff)
tried running Atom in safe mode (atom --safe)

But without any luck.

Tried viewing the DOM of the gutter panel, doesn't seem to have anything, related to git-diff.

screen shot 2016-05-13 at 00 00 46

Does Atom show errors while executing packages? If so where? Developer Tools?

Update: Everything seems to be working. I had trouble because on a newly created file git-diff doesn't mark the lines as added, because there is nothing to compare against. I was used on a sublime package that on newly created files all lines are shown as added. Feature request?

I'm using Atom 1.11.1. I used to see the git-diff colors in the gutter before, but not any more. Why atom admin keeps closing this issue? This needs to be fixed.

@mislam please open a new Issue and include as much information as possible, including Atom version, OS version, are you accessing the repo on a remote file system, and can you replicate the problem in Safe Mode?