
encoding for non-utf8 text?

demon386 opened this issue · 2 comments

Related to: atom/git-diff#60

My file is GBK encoded. The problem is that for GBK encoded lines, getLineDiffs signals diffs on those lines, even nothing at all is changed.

I tried to use iconv-lite to encode the text to 'GBK' and then decode to 'utf-8' before passing text to getLineDiffs, the problem still exists.

git-diff uses the following way to invoke getLineDiffs:

getLineDiffs(path, @editor.getText())

When the file is GBK encoded, whether open with UTF-8 or GBK encoding in Atom, pseudo diffs on those GBK lines exist.

Of course, for GBK encoded file one should open it with GBK encoding in Atom (the above UTF-8 is just for debugging). When opening with GBK encoding, I tried to use iconv-lite to encode text:

buffer = iconv.encode(@editor.getText(), 'gbk')
getLineDiffs(path, iconv.decode(buffer, 'utf-8'))

I also tried

buffer = iconv.encode(@editor.getText(), 'gbk')
getLineDiffs(path, buffer.toString())


buffer = iconv.encode(@editor.getText(), 'gbk')
getLineDiffs(path, buffer.toString('utf-8'))

None of these work.

This issue is a duplicate of atom/atom#18224 or atom/git-diff#60