
Basic shortcuts do not work at all on OSX

scarolan opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm trying to use Atom for a week or two instead of my normal go-to text editor. The Git integration looked very interesting, so I tried the steps in this blog post:

CMD-ALT-Z works fine for resetting a file to HEAD.

CMD-SHIFT-B doesn't work at all. I tried editing some files in my git repo, nothing happens when I do this key command.

The color highlighting tips for tree-view also don't work, even though I added the required snippet to my config file.

I can't replicate the issues you're describing using Atom v0.202.0-3bbbadd on Mac OS X 10.10.3.

Have you followed the suggestions in the Debugging document? Also, could you give the following information?

  • Which version of Atom are you using?
  • What OS and version are you running?
  • Can you reproduce the issue after completely exiting Atom and restarting using atom --safe?
  • When you open Atom are you opening the root of a Git repository tree?

For me, shift-cmd-b doesn't work but the tree-view items are coloured based on git status.

After enabling Keybinding Resolver I've noticed that shift-cmd-b wasn't catched at all.

This is when a keybinding resolves to a command:


This is when a keybinding doesn't resolve to a command:


In the case of shift-cmd-b Keybinding Resolver doesn't even catch that I'm pressing shift-cmd-b:


Could it be that there's some OS-wide shortcut conflict?

Which version of Atom are you using?

Atom 1.0.5

What OS and version are you running?

Mac OS X 10.10.4

Can you reproduce the issue after completely exiting Atom and restarting using atom --safe?


When you open Atom are you opening the root of a Git repository tree?


@scarolan @mindrones Which keyboards do you use? US or something else? If you're not using a US keyboard, can you switch to the US keyboard in OSX settings and see if the behavior is different?

@izuzak confirming this issue with the US keyboard, but I have filed a question on Ask Different too because I think this is a system issue. While checking for this issue I've discovered I'm not able to press that combination at all, independently from the focused software (forgot to report here sorry).

Thanks for letting us know, @mindrones 🙇. Since it seems you're having a wider problem and @scarolan didn't reply with the information asked in #44 (comment) and #44 (comment) -- I'm going to close this for now. Happy to reopen if we get more details.