
git pane blank during large merge

baloe opened this issue · 0 comments

baloe commented



Git pane is entirely blank during pending merge.

Steps to Reproduce

The steps are

git clone somerepository.git
cd somerepository/
git checkout somebranch

At this point the git pane functions correctly:
Screenshot from 2021-08-11 11-05-39

git merge master --no-commit

Expected behavior:

Changes are listed in git pane.

Actual behavior:

The git pane is completely empty
Screenshot from 2021-08-11 11-00-49


>> git status --porcelain=v2
1 M. N... 100644 100644 100644 3190b646f72a8a45e3652589916c26030c667ee0 828dd4de08626edeb135a45475975dd08cad4080 .gitignore
1 M. N... 100755 100755 100755 6ff9e706747efda076ece77c1923c446e587f0bb 1d515046e3a59b9c0eaed917e1e31d93665c4041 Makefile
# ... many more lines not copied

Reproduces how often:

Unfortunately I was unable to reproduce this with a random open source repository.
In my case, the pending merge is huge and I suppose that that is part of the reason.


atom --version

Atom    : 1.58.0
Electron: 9.4.4
Chrome  : 83.0.4103.122
Node    : 12.14.1

apm --version

apm  2.6.2
npm  6.14.13
node 12.14.1 x64
atom 1.58.0
python 2.7.18
git 2.25.1

Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

Additional Information