
Github Package Prevents You From Opening Files

Rarelo opened this issue · 0 comments


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I've been actively using git in the bash terminal for cloning and committing github repositories, but today I tried opening two of my repository's python files at once and the second file refused to open in atom.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open a python file from from a git repository (not sure if caused by other file types)
  2. Opening a new file causes nothing to happen

Once the bug is activated, any new files seems to fail to open, including Preferences (though the keyboard shortcut still works). The functionality to open files is temporarily restored through the terminal command "atom --clear-window-state, but can be broken again through the same process. Issue happens when atom is launched in safe mode, and can be prevented by disabling the github package.

Expected behavior:

Hitting Control+O then selecting a file should open the file

You double click the file, the select a file menu closes, and the new file does not open. As far as I'm aware the Control+Shift+I console gives no errors from this.

Reproduces how often:

Every single time a python file is opened in a git repository atom fails to open new files.


OS: kubuntu v5.10
Atom : 1.58.0
Electron: 9.4.4
Chrome : 83.0.4103.122
Node : 12.14.1

Additional Information

Disabling the Github package seems to prevent the issue. Hence I've submitted the issue here.