
unstaged changes do not show up in git panel

michretz opened this issue · 3 comments

after files are changed, they are correctly marked in the project panel.
but the changes files do not show up in the git panel under "unstaged changes"
only if i restart atom, the changes files show up, so i can stage the changes.
this happens since the last atom update.

I have the same problem, but it seems that the problem was there even before the last update. I read through some of the other similar issues but this one is different. And it just started to happen to me today.

I have the same problem, as of about a week ago. Atom 1.63.1 x64, Windows 11 Pro. I tried rebooting my pc, deleting the git folder and checking out from repo, and also tried recreating state from scratch by dropping the project folder and recreating the project.

I am also experiencing this issue. Guessing the fact they are sunsetting Atom means there probably won't be a fix.