
Atom themes no longer work

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Flet commented


Thanks for sharing this excellent project!

I noticed that none of the atom themes are working, including atom-dark-syntax referenced in the README.

It looks like the themes have changed from using the .editor selector to using atom-text-editor instead.

@Flet Can you clearly explain what exactly doesn't work for you and provide some examples or screenshots? Sharing exacts steps to reproduce the problem would be helpful.

I just tried following the instructions in the README and this definitely still works for me.

I'll try, since I'm having the same issue:

Following the steps from the README to generate a CSS file:

  1. git clone
  2. cd atom-dark-syntax
  3. npm install less
  4. lessc --include-path=styles index.less atom-dark-syntax.css

generates a file that doesn't highlight the source output using highlights.

I've included the output from the README ('broken'), the output what is on the highlights website, 'working'), and the Html output of the highlights command in the following gist:

For my own use, I've cribbed the file from until I am able to find out what better to do.

I'm not going to include screenshots. They are styles vs. unstyled blocks of text. The obvious difference between the files is that the broken CSS has a selector for atom-text-editor whereas the working one has a selector on .editor, though there are other differences.

In my case, I am trying to style the output of highlights in the browser. All the "wiring" is fine, because swapping the contents of the file for the "working" or "broken" file changes the behaviour as expected.

I believe I am using the latest of everything: highlights@1.4.1, less@2.7.1, and atom-dark-syntax@0.28.0.

I hope this helps? Let me know if there's anything else that you need!

Thanks again for all your great work on this.

A temporary fix would be to open the less file and replace all atom-text-editor to .editor

However, it would be much better if it just worked out of the box.

Still doesn't work.

@renatoathaydes add scopePrefix: 'syntax--' to new Highlights(scopePrefix: 'syntax--')

Any update on this?