
Offer custom property tokens to autocomplete

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Expected behavior: Custom properties (--custom-property-123) should be offered for the autocomplete-plus Symbol Provider

Actual behavior: Custom properties are not listed by autocomplete


Atom 1.15.0

I can't reproduce using language-css@0.42.0. Here's an example I took from MDN.
The variable in :root is tokenized as variable.css while the one in background-color is variable.argument.css.

Actual behavior: Custom properties are not tokenized

@WoodyWoodsta In what sense did you mean "tokenised"? That word has special meaning with relation to language grammars, and is chiefly related to syntax highlighting. Did you mean to say "custom properties are not listed by autocomplete"?

If not, I fail to see how highlighting is connected with autocomplete suggestions.

@Alhadis You're correct. The variables are tokenised correctly. They were not, however, showing up in autocomplete. I have corrected the original post.

@50Wliu I stand to be corrected, but the use of --main-bg-color in the CSS var function falls under the variable.argument.css scope, but also under the meta.function.variable.css, which should be caught by the .variable.css selector?