
Hyphen incorrectly counting as word character

Rockster160 opened this issue ยท 7 comments



When selecting a word/traversing words in any css file, it no longer respects a hyphen as a non-word character.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Add a selector with a hyphen to any CSS file.
  2. Place cursor inside of one of the words
  3. CMD+D / Editor: Select Word to select the word
  4. It selects the entire selector instead of only the expected word. ๐Ÿ˜ž

Expected behavior:
For the class: "my-container" with your cursor on the word container, Editor: Select Word should highlight/select ONLY container.

Actual behavior:
Currently selects the entire "my-container" selector. Not only is this not expected, it's also inconsistent with other similar languages. (HTML/JS packages)

Reproduces how often: 100%


MacOS High Sierra : 10.13.6
Atom : 1.29.0
Electron: 2.0.5
Chrome : 61.0.3163.100
Node : 8.9.3
language-css : 0.42.11

Same goes for double clicking.

A few months ago (I can't quite remember what version this happened) Atom didn't have this issue. Was this intentional, or is it a bug?

@hugobaeta - I think this was intentional as a hack to get around another bug where hyphenated words weren't being auto-completed properly. I don't personally see breaking current functionality to try to atone for that as the right solution though, personally. ๐Ÿ˜•

@Rockster160 I see. Well, I can tell you that if you work with BEM naming convention, not being able to quickly select portions of the selector is super annoying :D

Completely agreed, which is why I think this should definitely be classified as a bug that needs fixing.

I am not sure why this was changed or if it was changed intentionally. But you can configure this from the language-css settings:

Just remove the - character from here.


I am having exactly this same issue. Are there any updates or fixes on this?

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