
`new` operator does not work well with full qualifier

Opened this issue · 7 comments


public class A {
    void f() { myFile =; myFile = new;


Expected behavior: [What you expect to happen]

"" after new is not recognized as part of class name. It should be separated "java", ".", "io".

Can you include the language-java version that you are testing against?

might be related, extends does not work well with full qualifiers either:

class RenderType extends com.jfinal.plugin.ehcache.RenderType {
    public static final int BEETL_RENDER = 6;


This looks like a regression, because it was fixed at some point, if I remember correctly. I will investigate.

The regression is caused in these lines:

# If the above fails *then* just look for Wow
# (must be followed by a variable name, we use '\n' to cover multi-line definitions,
# or varargs for function definitions)
'match': '\\b((?:[A-Za-z_]\\w*\\s*\\.\\s*)*[A-Z_]\\w*)\\b((?=\\s*[A-Za-z$_\\n])|(?=\\s*\\.\\.\\.))'

the constraint must be followed by a variable name prevents to be recognized as a type.

That's not correct. It does get recognised, the regex skips the first item in fully qualified class name - just need to fix that. It would be tricky to fix all of the situations - I have a tree-sitter PR that would address this issue (and bunch of others).

It would be fixed naturally if is recoginized as a type and fall into object-type scope to be parsed...

@sadikovi If you agree type in constructor call should be rendered as type (where langs like cpp & ts do so), you can take a look at this branch at your convenience, which is come up to solve #216.

It is simple enough by just doing following things:

  • Add (?=\\() match to object-type, to allow type to be recognized in a constructor call.
  • Remove function-call and parens from anonymous-classes-and-new, and patch a (...) matching for constructor calls.
  • Fix the udpated scopes in test by:
    • Replace all '', '' with '';
    • Remove '' before 'punctuation.definition.parameters.*'



Oh, sorry for that I ignored the extends case. What I talked about is about the new case in the title, and it's related to object-type. The extends case is caused by object-type-inherited.