
Underscore "_" not recognized inside type qualifier

Closed this issue · 3 comments


When a type qualifier starts with "_", it breaks the grammar for the rest of the line.



I replaced all [A-Za-z]\\w* to [a-zA-Z$_][\\.a-zA-Z0-9$_]*, and (\\w+\\.)*[A-Z]+\\w* to ([a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z$_0-9]*\\.)*[A-Z]+\\w*) it seems fixed.

Thanks. I will take a look.

@felixhao28 would you like to submit a patch? I am a bit snowed under at the moment, would appreciate if you could help out, plus, you seem to have fixed it already!

Although I have been a maintainer of several TextMate syntax-based plugins for a few years, I am still not confident messing with syntax files I am not familiar with.