
@link highlighting broken when linking to class

Opened this issue · 1 comments



When using the @link doc tag to refer to a class, rather than a method (which is valid), it is not highlighted, however it is for a method.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open a Java file
  2. Paste in the following Javadoc comment
 * {@link String}
 * {@link String#toCharArray()}

Notice how only the latter has correct syntax highlighting.

Expected behavior:

Syntax highlighting should be applied to the @link tag when referring to a method or a class.

Actual behavior:

Syntax highlighting is only applied to the @link tag when referring to a method.

Reproduces how often:

Every time.


I'm using VSCode, however it apparently uses the Atom Java grammar upstream, so I'm reporting here. (See the below linked issue.)

Additional Information

See: redhat-developer/vscode-java#1753

Thanks for reporting the issue!

The issue is in textmate grammar. Note that Atom uses tree-sitter grammar for language-java now, the textmate support is deprecated. Textmate grammar still receives updates but they are treated as a lower priority at the moment so it might take us longer than usual to fix the issue.