
Highlighting fails after 23th item in array

Closed this issue · 6 comments

It looks like there's a maximum number of variables (23 exactly) one can put in an array before recognition fails. Starting from the 24th item, text is just added as a string with no span tag to style.



Not sure if it's a bug or a limitation...

Version 1.53.0 x64
Electron 6.1.12
Chrome 76.0.3809.146
Node v12.4.0
Theme One Dark

@wasinwill For the future: can you provide code as a text for easier reproduction?

Another case of atom/atom#1667

Not a bug of the grammar in this repository.

This limit is way too low. In VS Code I have 1000 variables in single line and syntax is still working fine.


It should be possible to make extension to tweak that.. hmm 😛


It is possible - File -> Init Script... and paste this at the end:

php = atom.grammars.grammarForScopeName('text.html.php')
php.maxLineLength = 10000
php.maxTokensPerLine = 1000

@wasinwill For the future: can you provide code as a text for easier reproduction?

Absolutely. Sorry about that.

@KapitanOczywisty That did it! Thanks!