
The $ sign is not in the nonWordCharacters but the highlight still ignoes it

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Double click or cmd+D to select a variable $variable

Expected behavior:

  1. should select the whole variable

Actual behavior:

  1. only variable selected the $ sign not included

Reproduces how often:

Every tIme


Atom : 1.54.0
Electron: 6.1.12
Chrome : 76.0.3809.146
Node : 12.4.0

Additional Information

The $ sign is not in the nonWordCharacters


I tried launching atom via atom --safe but found same behavior

#92 (comment) and subsequent comments.

Thanks, that does it


To quick-fix this you have to set Non Word Character globally in Editor Settings - remove $ from the list.