
PHP $ symbol wrong color after last update

ElderTugBoat786 opened this issue · 6 comments



After the last update when i open or create a php file with php grammar selected all $ are white and not red ( like previous version)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. create a new .php file
  2. declare random variabile

Actual behavior:



Atom : 1.56.0
Electron: 9.4.4
Chrome : 83.0.4103.122
Node : 12.14.1

Os info

Edition : Windows 10 Pro
Version ; 20H2
Build number : 19042.867

Thanks for the support.

Hi @ElderTugBoat786 , I'm unable to reproduce this. Can you place cursor before $ then run command (Ctrl+Shift+P) Editor: Log Cursor Scope and copy what you get in right bottom corner?

Hi @KapitanOczywisty

Scopes at Cursor

  • text.html.php
  • meta.embedded.block.php
  • source.php
  • variable.other.php
  • punctuation.definition.variable.php

This is the notification text. I have tried also in safe mode but text is the same,

@ElderTugBoat786 Scope looks good, so I suspect theme is responsible for this change. Which Syntax Theme are you using?

My current Syntax Theme is One Dark.

I have found this if it could be useful


I think that this is result of this PR atom/atom#20524 I'd suggest reporting issue there and request to change this back for php or if you know less syntax making own PR with changes probably here:

Hi @KapitanOczywisty
I have wrote a comment on that PR.
I close the issue as I don't think it concerns this repo

Thanks for the support.