
Can't install the latest package version 0.48

Opened this issue · 1 comments



Atom does not want to update to version 0.48, it thinks that 0.47 is the last version available, but it is not.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Check for Updates
  2. Reports: All of your installed packages are up to date!
  3. Go "Installed Packages" > "language-php"
  4. Reports: version 0.47.0

Expected behavior:

Should be version 0.48.0


Atom : 1.58.0
Electron: 9.4.4
Chrome : 83.0.4103.122
Node : 12.14.1

apm 2.6.2
npm 6.14.13
node 12.14.1 x64
atom 1.58.0
python 2.7.16
git 2.24.1

macOS Big Sur
11.6 (20G165)

Can confirm that after trying to open the 0.48.0 version, no install occurs and upon restart of editor, it still says 0.47.0.