
PHP 8.2

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Welcome to the fourth edition of PHP syntax upgrade. This year seems to be quite boring, still bellow you will find the list of brand new features added in PHP 8.2, which are affecting syntax.

At the moment of writing (may '22), version 8.2 have not reached alpha yet, but this should happen in the next month (June 9) and in 2 months we can expect feature freeze. For now you can find new features in rfc section and UPGRADING file.

I'll be creating PR's, but feel free to jump in and implement features. If you want to help, but you have problems with TextMate grammar, test specs or anything else, just let me know in this issue.

🏃 - Work in progress
🐌 - Planned (some work started)
✋ - On hold (possible changes)

Migration guide for PHP 8.2 is available here: