[Bug] When the deletePassword method is called in the onModuleDestroy method, the electron closes with an unhandled exception.
Nikolay-Uvarov opened this issue · 0 comments
Nikolay-Uvarov commented
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We use electron and keytar in the node.js project. We start our application and then we close it by calling method
import { app } from 'electron';
The credentials are created by:
await setPassword(config.name, accountName, password);
The credentials are deleted in the onModuleDestroy
method after app.quit():
public async onModuleDestroy(): Promise<void> {
const deletePasswordSet = this.accounts.map((account) => {
try {
return deletePassword(config.name, account);
} catch (error) {
this.logger.error(error, error.stack, this.context); // this line of code is not called.
await Promise.all(deletePasswordSet);
And we got this after closing the application:
Sometimes we got the following:
Steps to Reproduce
- Create the electron application.
- Create credentials in the Credential Manager via keytar.
- Close the electron application.
- Delete the credentials from the Credential Manager via keytar.
Expected behavior:
The application closes correctly.
Actual behavior:
The application closes with an unhandled error.
Reproduces how often:
This problem is reproducible on only one machine.
"keytar": "7.7.0",
"electron": 12.0
Additional Information
Windows 10 (20H2 #19042.867)