
Not attempting prebuilt install

civ555 opened this issue · 0 comments



Attempting to install in a fresh repo does not attempt to pull prebuilt binaries, instead wants to perform a build.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. npm install keytar
  2. keytar and its dependencies are downloaded

Expected behavior:

it should do
npm run install "install": "prebuild-install || npm run build",

with this in the logfile:
info run keytar@7.9.0 install node_modules/keytar prebuild-install || npm run build

Actual behavior:

runs node-gyp rebuild.
The prebuild-install is never attempted
with this in the logfile:
info run keytar@7.9.0 install node_modules/keytar node-gyp rebuild

Reproduces how often:

On the machines that are having the issue - every time.
I have gotten it to work on other machines with the same node/npm/keytar versions.


node 16.14.0
npm 8.3.1
keytar 7.7.0/7.9.0
Windows 10 x64

Additional Information

The issue here is that the install process is not ever attempting to install the prebuilt binaries. All the info i have dug up so far has been about getting node-gyp to work, which is a little different than this situation.