
File tab hover tooltip get's stuck and won't disappear #15849

Opened this issue · 2 comments

rsese commented

From @mrseanbaines on October 9, 2017 1:32AM CDT - copied from atom/atom#15849


Occasionally (seemingly randomly), the tooltip that shows the file path on the file tab when you hover on it gets stuck and won't go away until I restart Atom. Sometimes when this happens and I have multiple tabs open, all of the tab's tooltips will remain.

Steps to Reproduce

Not sure what is causing this - seems to be random, and with general use.

Reproduces how often: Once or twice a day.


Atom: 1.20.1
Electron: 1.6.9
Chrome: 56.0.2924.87
Node: 7.4.0

Additional Information


rsese commented

Not tried in safe mode since there's no steps to repro and it happens sporadically. We can keep this open for a bit to see if there are more reports or if someone comes up with repro steps.

Refs: #362