
"Enable VCS Coloring" makes it difficult to identify active tab

Closed this issue · 1 comments

This is a sibling issue to atom/one-dark-ui#226

On non-optimal screen viewing conditions, it can be nearly impossible to discern which tab is active:

Compared to:

Note that I'm using one-dark-ui along with monokai. A few things I'm noticing that have made it impossible for me to clearly see which tab is active:

  1. Monokai (a fairly popular theme) has a very close background shade to the one-dark-ui color
  2. The muted coloration is overridden by Enable VCS Coloring for inactive tabs
  3. The highlighted bright coloration is overridden by Enable VCS Coloring for active tabs

Possible ways to non-invasively improve visibility:

  1. Apply a muted shade of VCS coloring to inactive tabs
  2. Apply a bold font weight to active tab

Other stylistic changes may conflict with theming packages so I think I'll just propose these two solutions for now.

Closing this since I think this should entirely be addressed in the theme package instead.