
y.js versus teletype

Opened this issue · 1 comments

is this rude to ask you to compare ?

CRDT is quite complex and so it woudl be awesome if you could give your opinion.

I am planning to write a port of CRDT to Dart and golang and looking for any hints.

I am not familiar with y.js, but at a first glance it looks like a library whose aim is to provide a set of generic collaborative data structures, whereas teletype-crdt is a module specifically suited for collaborating on text documents.

On a more technical level, it seems like such data structures are based on WOOT ( Teletype-crdt uses similar algorithms/structures too, but it adopts splay trees and several other optimizations to improve the asymptotic complexity of common operations. I'd recommend reading the papers linked in this repository's to get a better understanding at how teletype-crdt works internally.

Good luck with your port! 🍀