Selecting an item right above currently selected one doesn't work properly
lkornilenko opened this issue · 1 comments
lkornilenko commented
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Currently selected row consumes size of 2 rows, thus clicking on the row above the selected one doesn't work (unless you're clicking directly on the file name in that row). When you click on an empty space on a different row - it works as expected.
Steps to Reproduce
- Click on the row/file name in your project
- Click on an empty space on the row above currently selected one
Expected behavior: Clicked row became selected.
Actual behavior: Clicked row doesn't become selected, unless you're clicking on the file name directly.
Reproduces how often: 100%
atom --version
Atom : 1.27.2
Electron: 1.7.15
Chrome : 58.0.3029.110
Node : 7.9.0
apm --version
apm 1.19.0
npm 3.10.10
node 6.9.5 x64
atom 1.27.2
python 2.7.12
git 2.11.1
Additional Information
lkornilenko commented
It appears to be a duplicate of #257