
Proposal: Merge with ex-mode

Closed this issue · 7 comments

ex-mode is looking for a new maintainer. There has been some confusion over vim-mode not including ex commands:

  1. Add handling for :w #520
  2. is there any way to use ":" commands, eg, ":w" to write? #588
  3. Problem with Command mode #554

(just what I found in a couple minutes. I'm not sure if there are more)

With no one currently maintaining ex-mode this would be a good opportunity to just merge the two. Right now ex-mode is totally broken on atom 1.9, but there is no one with access to merge the change



Is this package even alive?

As mentioned in #520 (comment), this isn't likely to happen. But that might have changed now, I'm not sure.


As stated in the README, this package is no longer maintained and is deprecated. We recommend that people use the vim-mode-plus package instead. Because of this, we are archiving this repository and closing all issues and pull requests. Thanks very much for your support and contributions!