
Hitting single-quote twice doesn't move me

plbowers opened this issue · 2 comments

I use double-single-quote often in command mode in vim to move me back to where I was before whatever I just did. So if I did a search then hitting '' should put me back where I was before I searched. If I go to a certain line # (123G) or to the bottom (G) to look at something and then hit '' it should put me back where I was. etc.

It appears that this double-single-quote is not implemented in vim-mode - it would be great if it could be implemented.

OK, I've implemented this in my own development side of things. I need authorization to submit this on a new branch.

As stated in the README, this package is no longer maintained and is deprecated. We recommend that people use the vim-mode-plus package instead. Because of this, we are archiving this repository and closing all issues and pull requests. Thanks very much for your support and contributions!