
Undo on autocomplete/snippet

TyberiusPrime opened this issue · 1 comments

Activating a snippet or autocompletion does not place an undo point.

in insert mode
"something snippetprefix[tab][escape][u]"
will remove everything you just inserted,
not only the last snippet.
Ditto for autocompletion.

This is unfortunate to my mind because I have some fairly verbose snippets that trigger unintentionally on occasion and now I either retype my whole insert-mode sequence, or I fall out of my flow to decide what I need to remove from this snippet.

I think it's a vim mode issue - vanilla atom seems to do the right thing.

As stated in the README, this package is no longer maintained and is deprecated. We recommend that people use the vim-mode-plus package instead. Because of this, we are archiving this repository and closing all issues and pull requests. Thanks very much for your support and contributions!