
After key 's' in visual mode, selection block not canceled

Closed this issue · 2 comments

MewX commented

I'll use [] to present cursor in normal mode, and | in insert mode, to simulate the reproducing procedure.


some text;
[d]ist = a;
pastNodes = b;

Then press c-v, select:

some text;
[dist] = a;
[past]Nodes = b;

Then press s:

 some text;
| = a;
 Nodes = b;

Then press esc:

[s]ome text;
[ ]= a;
Nodes = b;

See, the selection block are not canceled, if I press esc again, it becomes normal:

some text;
[ ]= a;
Nodes = b;

This package is deprecated. You may be interested in installing vim-mode-plus instead.

MewX commented

Oh, thanks, I was using vim mode plus!