
Don't work in Laravel 5.5

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I'm trying to install in Laravel 5.5 via composer:

composer require atomescrochus/laravel-bulma-starter

I get this error:

> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump
> @php artisan package:discover

  Class 'Atomescrochus\LaravelBulmaStarter\LaravelBulmaStarterServiceProvider  
  ::class,' not found

The same manually editing composer.json and config/app.php and running composer update

Same steps in Laravel 5.4.* with no errors.

Any tips?

I can confirm the same error/issue

Maybe, can it be related to this issue?

Temporarly, I solved adding the dependency in require and removing the post-autoload-dump entry in composer.json:

    "require": {
        "atomescrochus/laravel-bulma-starter": "^2.1",
  "post-autoload-dump": []

I'll have to check in the coming days when I have spare time. My own tests worked if I remember correctly, but I might have made a typo somewhere? We'll see.

Honestly, this package will have to get deprecated at some point though, since there is probably a way to hook in 5.5's frontend presets... ?

Oh wait. I see @massiws that it tried to call @php artisan package:discover. The @ makes the command not fire. If you remove it in your composer.json, it will correctly fire the discover feature.

(I'm getting this problem every time I laravel new something, since it does not copy the .env file because of it.)

@ekandreas could you try that too?

@jpmurray, I've just tried to remove @ sign from composer.json: same problem.

Just pushed 2.1.1 to address this issue (I had the same problem on other package, it was a mistake on my part). If anything else, don't hesitate to reopen the issue.