
Assign Issue to Me not working with multi-org setup

Closed this issue · 5 comments

When the "Assign to me" button is pressed on an issue then the command fails as it finds two users because there are two organisations.

To illustrate the issue, here is what Russ looks like in democritus:


We indeed have two persons (in blue). Now the question is, how to distinguish russ from russ and which one do we like?

I am wondering what's the best course of action. Should we pick up the first person that we find? Should we instead ask the user which GH user he/she wants to be assigned the issue to?

Would the answer not be "the Russ associated with the repo from where the issue is that is trying to be self-assigned"?

Both could have taken part to that repo so I'm not sure how I could safely make that call.

I would like to close this issue because the problem lies elsewhere in the Atomist stack, not this repository. The assumption is that Atomist will always enforce a single Person to be returned for a chat identifier so the path expression in the Assign Issue command handler can remain as it is.