
Move SDM docs links to footer

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Move SDM docs links to footer

@murban74 @jennstar121 the change can be reviewed on the docs staging site:

I reviewed the page twice and missed where the SDM guide. I had to do command f.

Change SDM Guide to Access the SDM Guide >>
Adopt same styling as next/previous navigation titles (e.g. "Getting Started"), but sized 14px
Put in 2 line breaks

@murban74 checkout the page at now. I've moved the link to its own footer row and adopted the styling you suggested.

Also removed the "powered by MkDocs" footer.


Should it have the forward arrow?

I added it because Michelle had >> in her text suggestion which looked odd close to the forward arrow of the next link. But we can remove that of course.

To me, its current location, styling, and the arrow give the impression it is part of the docs navigation, not linking to a "separate set" of docs.

It's not using », it's using the same arrow as the Next link:


I suggest we use the >> and move the link to the left, aligned w/ the copyright info below. I also suggest the link appears on the darker background (along w/ copyright and social buttons), as opposed to the lighter background which houses the docs navigation. @cdupuis is it possible to make those couple changes?