

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Object controller

const Books = {
  beforeEach() {}, // invoked before each handler
  afterEach() {},  // invoked after each handler
  index() {}, 		 // GET /books
  create() {},     // POST /books
  read() {},		   // GET /books/:bookId
  update() {},     // PUT /books/:bookId
  patch() {},      // PATCH /books/:bookId
  destroy() {},     // DELETE /books/:bookId
  // of no patch() provided, PATCH use update()

createRest(root => {
  root.crud('books', Books)

Class controller

class Books {
  constructor() {}  // invoked when request is accepted
                    // before invoke beforeEach()
  beforeEach() {}  // invoked before each handler  
  afterEach() {}   // invoked after each handler
  index() {} 		  // GET /books
  create() {}     // POST /books
  read() {}		    // GET /books/:bookId
  update() {}     // PUT /books/:bookId
  patch() {}      // PATCH /books/:bookId
  destroy() {}     // DELETE /books/:bookId
  // of no patch() provided, PATCH use update()

createRest(root => {
  root.crud('books', Books)
