dplyr 1.0.0 required?
bundfussr opened this issue · 6 comments
It seems that metacore requires dplyr 1.0.0. I tried to use it with dplyr 0.8.5 and it failed. After updating dplyr to 1.0.9 it worked.
@bundfussr can you send us the error that you encountered? We did a scrub for >=1.0.0 features a while ago so it would help to see your traceback of issues encountered.
I got the following error using dplyr 0.8.5.
Error: Column `variable` can't be modified because it's a grouping variable
stop(structure(list(message = "Column `variable` can't be modified because it's a grouping variable",
call = NULL, cppstack = NULL), class = c("Rcpp::exception",
"C++Error", "error", "condition")))
mutate_impl(.data, dots, caller_env())
mutate.tbl_df(., unique = n_distinct(length, label, type), variable = if_else(unique ==
1, variable, paste0(dataset, ".", variable)), length = as.numeric(length))
mutate(., unique = n_distinct(length, label, type), variable = if_else(unique ==
1, variable, paste0(dataset, ".", variable)), length = as.numeric(length))
distinct(., variable, length, label, type, .keep_all = TRUE)
select(., -dataset, -unique)
out %>% group_by(variable) %>% mutate(unique = n_distinct(length,
label, type), variable = if_else(unique == 1, variable, paste0(dataset,
".", variable)), length = as.numeric(length)) %>% distinct(variable,
length, label, type, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% select(-dataset, ...
spec_type_to_var_spec(doc = doc, cols = c(variable = "Variable",
length = "Length", label = "Label", type = "Type", dataset = "Dataset",
format = "SAS Format"), sheet = "Variables") at read_dap_m3.R#85
I'll have a look at it next week
@statasaurus this one would be good to get resolved too if you get chance - any update?
Spoke to Mike and this one actually may no longer be needed from our perspective as we're not likely to be using pre 1.0.0 dplyr on our validated container.
Just FYI I am changing this over to xml2 from XML. I am just finishing up today. So it should be in dev by tomorrow.