Breaking change in NotifyVerbBuilder
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Describe the bug
New instance variable 'id' in NotifyVerbBuilder is not being initialized with a default value. As a result, at_client package will encounter a LateInitializationError
To Reproduce
See functional tests output in
LateInitializationError: Field 'id' has not been initialized.
package:at_commons/src/verb/notify_verb_builder.dart 64:31 NotifyVerbBuilder.buildCommand
package:at_lookup/src/at_lookup_impl.dart 367:29 AtLookupImpl._notify
package:at_lookup/src/at_lookup_impl.dart 308:28 AtLookupImpl.executeVerb
package:at_client/src/client/remote_secondary.dart 36:35 RemoteSecondary.executeVerb
package:at_client/src/client/at_client_impl.dart 784:40 AtClientImpl.notifyChange
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
package:at_client/src/service/notification_service_impl.dart 180:24 NotificationServiceImpl.notify
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
test/atclient_notify_test.dart 31:18 main.<fn>
Expected behavior
NotifyVerbBuilder should set a default value for the 'id' instance variable (generate a uuid). The calling code should be able to subsequently override it if they wish to.
I changed the relevant at_client dependencies back to fixed versions so I could publish at_client 3.0.17. I'd like to get a new at_commons published which makes the changes non-breaking. (Easy to test in an at_client branch which just has a pubspec.yaml with 'any after' rather than fixed dependencies)
There is a dependency here on the server of course ... which server PR has the server changes?