
How to supply external div element with class as dropzone to this wrapper component

nagkumar opened this issue · 1 comments

In normal html/js way of using we can supply html element e.g

<form action="/file-upload"       class="dropzone"    id="my-awesome-dropzone"></form>

to use the dropzone. However in this wrapper, how to I give similar html snippet so that, x-dropzone can be intialised


instead of in hbs file

{{x-dropzone url='/api/uploadFile' autoProcessQueue=false addRemoveLinks=true vupd="uponUpload" submitBtn=submitBtn}}

I wish to use

<form action="/file-upload"

etc.. not sure, how to make this work

atsjj commented

Sorry for the delay.

I'd suggest that you just use the dropzone js as it's intended to be used. Trying to use this component outside of Ember would be painful.