
Pre-built .so and .a files

emileb opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, great work on this!

Would it be possible for you provide the pre-built shared and static libraries for this? 99% of the time this is all we need :)
I did this for Boost:

Thank you!

That's true, though there is no prebuilt static library (not part of the build outcome). The prebuilt shared libraries for armeabi-v7a and x86 are available here:

After my local OS upgrade I don't have a working build environment right now. Nothing further will be provided anytime soon.

Great, thank you for the download link 👍

The repository is now superceded by

I have uploaded a new prebuilt binary based on the new repo:

(There is no "issues" on the new repo and I keep it updated here for a while.)