
R 4.0.x compatibility

s-u opened this issue · 2 comments

s-u commented

There were some major changes in R 4.0.0 and I'm opening this to track the status of compatibility. So far I have identified the following issues:

  • function exports are no longer recognized as S3 methods. Go over dependent packages and check if they rely on it (so far gitgist was the one that broke)
s-u commented

The two obvious ones (githubgist and gitgist) are fixed. I tested the latter but not the former. However, I'm having "hanging" issues with gitgist and R 4.0.3 (not proxified), so more to be investigated.

s-u commented

I have a running instance with R 4.0.4, RCloud develop branch (13f75ed), githubgist + gist service server, proxified, PAM multi-user (so essentially the same as rcloud-5) and I have not found any issues so far, so I'll close it for now optimistically assuming we're compatible. If anything crops up, please open a specific issue.