
Collection of username lists for enumerating kerberos domain users

Kerberos Username Enumeration – Top 500 Common Usernames

The following username wordlists were created to identify valid usernames when targeting large Windows domains using the Metasploit module: auxiliary/gather/kerberos_enumusers

The lists are compiled from the top 500 most common firstname and surname as per the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Username List				Word Count	File Size	Example
Top 500 Female Firstnames		500		4K		AMELIA
Top 500 Male First Names		500		4K		JACK
Top 500 Surnames			500		4K		SMITH
Top 50 Female Firstnames.Surnames	25000		330K		AMELIA.SMITH
Top 50 Male Firstnames.Surnames		31000		400K		JACK.SMITH
A-Z.Surnames				13000		116K		A.SMITH to Z.LEONARD
A.Surnames				500		5K		A.SMITH
B.Surnames				500		5K		B.SMITH
C.Surnames etc.				500		5K		C.SMITH
Z.Surnames				500		s5K		Z.WYATT

For more detail please see the accompanying blog post: https://www.attackdebris.com/?p=364