
The DBs Need Fixing they contain Hex Encoded Strings + Duplicates

minanagehsalalma opened this issue · 0 comments

a pic of the hex encoded strings
a site that can decode them with no problem

for a long time i been using them and missed that at the end of the files there are hex Encoded Strings that made me miss results !

I have tested on the largest DB of them Egypt

Number of information 👉🏽 44,823,547
Download size 👉🏽 1.55 GB

the files sizes after decompression : 14.2 GB
the files sizes after removing duplicates & hex decoding : 13.6 GB
the file lines count is : 45,203,980
New lines count : 44,411,457 after using the remove duplicates function from PilotEdit tool
New lines count : 44,411,457 after removing the duplicated lines using a simple python script
the duplicated lines count : 792,522

statics :

the number of hex encoded strings : 5K lines

the egypt file has 41,001,675 unique user ids since 3,393,719 user have more than one phone number

and only 16,473,892 have usernames which means 27,921,502 don't have usernames

the already hex decoded

i decoded them using a simple typescript

to replace the decoded strings right away ...first merge the 4 files into one using
by this command

App.Merge.exe o="output-file.txt" "1.txt" "2.txt" "3.txt" "4.txt

then open the output file using ultraedit or pilotedit then go to this line 45150001 and remove all the text after it and copy the text of the the already hex decoded files and paste them there